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Stefaneldi Stefano Stefanel

La scuola si trova in una situazione di costante criticità in quanto la sua qualità di autonomia funzionale dello stato la pone come crocevia amministrativo di troppi soggetti che agiscono contemporaneamente, con richieste continue e senza alcun tentativo o necessità di coordinare i loro interventi. Così succede che, quotidianamente, si attivino scadenze o arrivino richieste da soggetti con loro proprie tempistiche per nulla in linea con quelle della scuola, per cui la Pubblica Amministrazione scolastica deve interfacciarsi con il ministero, con le autorità di gestione, con gli uffici scolastici regionali e gli uffici scolastici provinciali che non si coordinano, con gli enti locali regionali, provinciali e comunali, con i revisori dei conti, con i servizi sociali, con le ASL, con l’Inps, con l’Inail, con i dipartimenti di prevenzione, ecc. in un elenco che sembra non finire mai. Anche tutta la semplificazione è spesso più annunciata che realizzata, perché si è sempre tramutata in maggior impegno lavorativo e in un aumento di documentazione. Inoltre il passaggio al digitale e la possibilità di allegate documenti in PDF li ha fatti diventare sempre più lunghi e complessi, spesso illeggibili.

Il concetto di semplificazione deve essere collegato a quello di scelta e quello di scelta a quello di riduzione. La prassi consolidata è quella per cui ogni apparente riduzione ha portato sempre a procedure che, invece di ridurre, hanno aggiunto. E’ il caso, banale, ma veramente paradigmatico, del processo di dematerializzazione, che prevederebbe una significativa semplificazione, ma non ha diminuito la quantità di carta stoccata negli archivi della pubblica amministrazione, producendo a volte duplicazioni che appesantiscono quello che è già di per sé pesante. Qui siamo davanti ad una di quelle questioni che costringono ad un certo punto la Pubblica amministrazione ad addentrarsi dentro un coacervo di norme che mal si connettono tra loro e che determinano contenziosi e conflitti, producendo soltanto un aumento delle complicazioni. La piattaforma Inps per la ricostruzione del personale a fini pensionistici è uno dei massimi esempi di sistema che si è avvitato su sé stesso, tra procedura apparentemente semplice di gestione della posizione in piattaforma e documenti cartacei, che si “ribellano” ad ogni riconduzione alle voci che scendono dalle famigerate “tendine”.

Il concetto di semplificazione passa anche attraverso quello di competenza: solo del personale capace e competente è in grado di semplificare, mentre il personale che non conosce bene il suo lavoro per forza di cose è inefficiente e quindi tende all’accumulo e non alla selezione. Per dare conto della situazione attuale e di come potrebbe evolversi in senso positivo se tutto venisse semplificato, cerco di indicare alcuni elementi di inciampo burocratico abbastanza evidenti che, se eliminati, produrrebbero in forma automatica una reale semplificazione nell’attività istituzionale della pubblica amministrazione scolastica e di conseguenza una maggiore efficienza del sistema.


La procedura negoziale ed attuativa dei PON e del PNSD è stata pensata dentro l’idea per cui la cosa fondamentale non è la realizzazione dei progetti, ma le possibilità costanti di controllo sui tutti gli atti. Inoltre i controlli continuano per anni e anni bloccando finanziamenti, dentro un mare di burocrazia che ha determinato la resa di molte scuole, la mancata chiusura di molti PON o progetti del Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale. Tra le richieste del Ministero e dell’Autorità di gestione e le reali capacità delle scuole si assiste ad un incredibile cesura, che determina un’oggettiva difficoltà a spendere soldi che ci sono. Se, però, si eliminassero alcuni passaggi inutili tutto diventerebbe più semplice. Ecco quali:

  • eliminazione della carta nelle rendicontazioni: adesso, infatti, si devono caricare tantissimi documenti in PDF (carta fotografata), mentre tutto dovrebbe avvenire solo in piattaforma;
  • eliminazione dei blocchi alla procedura qualora vi siano degli errori che possono essere sistemati o dalla stessa autorità di gestione o dalle scuole se ben indirizzate;
  • eliminazione della “neutralità” degli USR, che dovrebbero invece essere la task force che elimina i problemi delle scuole che non ce la fanno;
  • eliminazione del controllo da parte dei revisori dei conti, che bloccano le procedure a fronte di situazioni che l’autorità di gestione è in grado di controllare da sola;
  • eliminazioni delle possibilità dio controllo oltre i tre mesi dalla fine del progetto;
  • eliminazione dell’anticipazione di cassa, che costituisce un fardello troppo pesante per molte piccole scuole (quindi finanziamento di tutto il progetto nella fase d’avvio);
  • eliminazione della decurtazione della somma da erogare a causa di assenze di studenti e quindi eliminazione anche della rigidità delle classi, che molto spesso è difficile tenere unite nello stesso progetto, anche perché molte scuole sono piccole e il gruppo di studenti interessati variabile.

Non si tratta di dare via libera ad un sistema inefficiente, ma di semplificare procedure di controllo ossessive, che semplicemente impediscono la realizzazione dei PON e del PNSD. Personalmente, vista l’emergenza pandemica e la sua drammaticità, penso che sarebbe anche il caso di eliminare dai PON sia il vincolo di progetto che il vincolo di controllo e permettere a questi soldi già stanziati di essere spesi dalla scuola per qualunque necessità. Questa sarebbe un bell’utilizzo dei fondi PON residui, ma non spero tanto. Ma eliminare quello che sopra riportato comunque faciliterebbe le realizzazioni di quello che si può ancora realizzare.



Per rafforzare le segreterie sarebbe sufficiente eliminare l’automatismo contenuto nell’art. 59 del CCNL del 29 novembre 2007 e vincolare la possibilità per un collaboratore scolastico di accettare incarichi a tempo determinato come assistente amministrativo solo dopo l’accertamento del suo livello di competenze. L’eliminazione del passaggio automatico dai ruoli di collaboratore scolastico a quelli di assistente amministrativo senza concorso, dovrebbe anche prevedere, alla fine di ogni anno scolastico un parere vincolante del Dirigente scolastico e del Direttore dei servizi generali e amministrativi che, se negativo, inibisce l’accettazione di nuove supplenze. A chi non conosce il mondo della scuola può sembrare strano che la semplice eliminazione di una possibilità potrebbe semplificare le cose. In realtà il lavoro delle segreterie è sempre più caricato di procedure e impegni che richiedono forti competenze. Se queste non ci sono tutto viene complicato e, spesso, fotocopiato con un aumento di complicazioni dovute a procedure sbagliate e competenze reali non disponibili in forma eguale tra i tutti i dipendenti.

Un altro modo per rafforzare le segreterie è l’eliminazione di tutti i monitoraggi che non comportino una restituzione degli esiti in forma condivisa. Se, cioè, il Ministero o l’Ufficio Scolastico Regionale, o gli Uffici Provinciali, o gli Enti Locali, o l’Invalsi, le Università, qualunque altro soggetto chiede alla scuola o la obbliga a partecipare ad un monitoraggio deve chiarire le motivazioni e la norma di legge a cui si riferisce, ma è tenuto anche a restituire in tempi brevi (dieci giorni, non di più) l’esito del monitoraggio stesso, restituendo i dati a tutti i partecipanti. L’eliminazione dei monitoraggi senza restituzione metterebbe il soggetto che li chiede nell’obbligo di dare una precisa motivazione alla sua azione, evitando alle segreterie di dover quotidianamente seguite il monitoraggio del giorno, che poi non si sa che fine fa.




La dematerializzazione potrebbe aiutare la semplificazione se fosse collegata a due eliminazioni:

  • tutta la carta dematerializzata va eliminata e pertanto ci possono essere solo “faldoni” digitali e non cartacei (ogni duplicazione è una complicazione);
  • tutto quello che non serve deve essere eliminato, in modo da costringere le scuole a limitare le procedure burocratiche espansive e a limitarsi ai documenti essenziali da conservare, non intasando archivi e protocolli di materiale inutile.

In questo caso la Pubblica amministrazione scolastica dovrebbe solamente eliminare la paura di non avere le famose “pezze giustificative”, ma questo lavoro di cernita ai fini della conservazione del necessario semplificherebbe di molto tutte le procedure, costringendo a tenere traccia dei documenti essenziali e necessari.

Se poi dal settore amministrativo passiamo a quello didattico penso sarebbe molto semplice eliminare tutto il materiale didattico che non può essere “impugnato”. Decorsi i termini dei ricorsi al Tar dovrebbe essere eliminato tutto, in modo da non dover diventare un fardello che comporta sistemazioni e registrazioni. A questo punto le Sovrintendenze dovrebbero avere un tempo limitato per chiedere l’eventuale trasferimento di materiale didattico a fine culturale. Perché pare evidente che, davanti ad una possibilità senza limiti di tempo, nessuna Sovrintendenza avrà interesse a forzare i tempi e chiedere cosa realmente serve al suo archivio o alle eventuali ricerche storiche. In questo modo anche le scuole potrebbero costruire degli archivi della memoria, per nulla burocratici, con caratteristiche di testimonianza e di cultura, producendo magari delle biblioteche di materiali pedagogici, che avrebbero ben diverso valore dei quintali di carta stipati nelle cantine scolastiche a marcire in silenzio e nel disinteresse.

How you can find Love Making use of the Law of Attraction

Are you searching for somebody? Or are you looking for a special someone to share your daily life with? Should you be like most people, you may be wondering how to get love. The good thing is that the law of attraction will help you increase your chances of picking out the one. If you use the strength of the universe to attract your partner, you can significantly increase the likelihood of finding appreciate. You simply need to keep the eyes start and be positive.

First, advantages yourself. Many people don’t know who all they really are. It’s a great idea to learn hobbies, unique personality types, and other facets of yourself that you just never recognized you had. Also you can try numerous activities, nationalities, and hobbies to find the best match. This way, you can create an informed decision about whom you want to your time rest of your life with. Once you have figured out whom you happen to be and what you’re interested in, you’re willing to find the soul mate.

Once you know yourself, you will find a better notion of who you want within a partner. It may seem that the best partner is normally someone you are able to spend the evening with, nevertheless this isn’t constantly the truth. Whether you are contemplating a long-term relationship or a casual hookup, you need to know that appreciate isn’t just about having sex or perhaps spending the night time.

Finally, remember that finding love requires more than a one-night stand. You need anyone to spend the associated with your day with and play with you for hours at a time. Ultimately, love-making is a healthful part of a romantic relationship. So , don’t let expectations stand in the way of true love. So , get out there and experience the world! You will find the soul mate! Bare in mind to never forget that it requires two people to produce love happen.

Whether you are contemplating a romantic romance or a unique one, there are numerous ways to satisfy the right person. Dating is challenging, but it could be a lot of entertaining. If you’re searching for a long-term romance, you need to spend time exploring your self. Besides, you need to have a sense of what enables you to tick. Simply by putting yourself out there, likely to be likely to catch the attention of the right person.

Once you’ve uncovered your true love, the next step is to learn yourself. You can actually find the perfect partner throughout your interests. Experiment with different persona types, nationalities, and actions. This will help you understand your self better and attract the ideal kind of person. You’ll be able to locate love if you’re happy. This will likely make your life considerably more meaningful. For anyone who is looking for a wife, you can start a relationship with someone who motivates you and is normally willing to invest in you.

Details of Online Dating

While the majority of people use the Internet to find absolutely adore, only a few of those actually understand the process. Lots of people are unsure about the benefits and downsides of dating on the Net. While countless advertisements and word-of-mouth information have presented them an incorrect sense of security, they’re often just misinformed. Listed below are the facts you should know prior to trying internet dating. They will help you assess if it’s right for you.

Most people you do not have much understanding of online dating. Even those who are involved with it don’t actually understand it. Knowing several facts about online dating can help you make the best possible decisions. It can also support you avoid potential pitfalls and choose the right different for your particular situation. Here are several common misguided beliefs about this well-known type of dating. They may amaze you! Read on to learn more about the advantages and drawbacks of using the Internet for your relationship.

Most people who work with online dating sites will be serious about locating a long-term relationship, they usually don’t need their on-line date to start as a fling. However , it is important to keep in mind that lots of people do view the Net as a place for sexual intercourse or affairs. In fact , a newly released study suggests that as many as one in six friendships start on the world wide web, these websites are not always the best choice.

Inspite of its various advantages, there are several major down sides of online dating. For example , one-third of the folks that use online dating sites never embark upon to meet each other in true to life. A majority of these types of users have no intentions of having making love on the primary date, and more than half of them will delete their profiles within just three months. Additionally, many of these people do not make use of proper protection measures issues online user profiles, and they become cheated on.

Online dating is not a good idea for those who do not desire to commit to a relationship. As an example, one in every single ten within the users deletes their account after 90 days. It is important to be honest inside your online dating account. Women are more inclined to lie of the weight and age. Guys, on the other hand, will not lie of the income or their desired goals for a marriage. And, 1 out of every three people who satisfy on an online dating service will have gender on the initial date.

The majority of people who work with online dating solutions are looking for long lasting relationships, and they tend not to want at this point with a informal relationship. They can be looking for a significant partner, and maybe they are not interested to be conned on. Sometimes of these persons will not look past the superficial areas of the system, and they’ll keep an eye out for a severe relationship. They may not be the right meet for each different, but they could be happy with the person they meet up with.

Easy Date Idea – Thrilling Inexpensive Approaches to Spend Precious time With Your Partner

Looking Find Asian Beauty Site Review for a cheap and easy date idea? Consider visiting a art gallery. This is a great idea if you both equally love art work, and you can discover some clean face masks at most write stores or online. Then you definitely and your date can beautify the masks together. Pick a theme or perhaps color method to create a memorable date. After decorating, be sure you take some good photos! You’ll have plenty to share on social websites!

Try playing a problem game with the partner. This is a fun time idea that offers you the chance to use quality time in concert. You can perform any type of puzzle game which you can find. The best part is that you should not be an expert to enjoy this kind of activity. You can even download challenge games free of charge on the net. There are many different types and fashions to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a thing easy or elaborate, these game titles will help you go out with your partner.

Also you can choose to play a dilemna video game along with your partner. This will not only give you a chance to discuss your favorite matters, but will as well give you a lot of quality time to bond. There are various kinds of marvel games to pick from, and you can find some that you equally enjoy. Want to know the best part is that you can get free ones internet. You can perform a puzzle game along with your partner once you want. There are numerous great options intended for online puzzle video games.

Another great idea is actually a movie night time. This is an affordable way to bond using your date, although still spending some time together. Precisely the same goes for a restaurant food. A nice meal will show that you have been monitoring your date. Moreover, you’ll receive a good work out at the same time. It’s the perfect thought for a speedy date. But , if you’re not so adventurous, you can continue to make it memorable and exciting.

If you are looking for an easy date proven fact that will keep your partner engaged for the whole night, you can try challenge games jointly. This will allow one to spend quality time with your spouse even though solving a puzzle with each other. If you’re essential to achieve puzzle admirer, try a bigger picture game that can be done together. It will give you a option to relationship and make your date memorable. This will end up being an exercise that will work out your spouse-to-be’s brains.

If you live around a lake or seaside, you can take your date to the beach or possibly a nearby park. Likewise, meals trucks have become more popular and can be a fun way to go on a quick date. The both of you can consume snacks and talk if you are playing. For any quick night out, this activity can be fun. It will also always be an excellent workout. If you’re not into puzzles, try a short story writing video game.

Mailorder Bride Rates Varies

Mail buy bride rates varies. A few websites provide free a regular membership, while others requirement a premium payment. The former provides you with access to more features, while the last mentioned real ukrainian for marriage costs a monthly price. A premium special will cost among $25 and $50. The majority of sites offer flexible special discounts, so it can be worthwhile to think about a subscription arrange that agrees with your budget. Reduced account will include all the features you desire from a mail order bride web-site, including online video calls and real gift items.

While the rates vary by country, the charges can be low as UNITED STATES DOLLAR 50. Websites will cost just as much as USD three hundred. Keep in mind that the expense of a all mail order star of the wedding will depend on many different factors, such as the country in which she lives and her expectations. Whether or not the service is affordable or costly will depend on your needs and regardless of whether you are ready to accept ethnic differences and work through chinese barriers. As soon as you’ve made the decision to move ahead, there’s no reason to back out belonging to the experience if the both of you are compatible.

The price of a mail order bride subscription varies with respect to the country most likely traveling to. Several websites experience a one time membership fee, while others can be a subscription-based version. Choose whichever model is best for your budget. Several sites generate income from by exhibiting advertisements to get third-party businesses, which may adversely affect the total user experience. Another important consideration is whether the internet site has tight privacy insurance plans. If you want to avoid paying for these services, consider joining a free web page.

Mail purchase bride costs varies, yet there are some factors that should guideline your decision-making process. Whilst it is true a mail buy bride could cost as little as twelve dollars, the quantity you buy a membership can go up to $400 or more if you are seeking a long-term determination. A well-maintained woman might require an additional 2, 000 USD each month. The same applies to a low-maintenance female, which could be less than 90 USD.

Even though the price of a mail order bride could be thousands of dollars, it is actually well worth it. When you first meet a newly purchased wife, it’s likely to be a memorable experience. However , the initial expense can be worth their expense when you finally match your new partner. If you’re looking for the lifelong partner, mail order brides could be the perfect match suitable for you. Regardless of the costs, you’ll think butterflies in your tummy when you meet up with your new better half.

The average mailbox order bride can cost anywhere from five to thirty thousands of dollars. In addition, it depends on the region where the potential bride resides. Through the entire method, you may use between two and 90 days on the dating platform, according to how a large number of offline goes you have. The complete cost of a mail purchase bride may range from a few, 000 UNITED STATES DOLLAR to 35, 000 CHF. The costs of an mail-order bride-to-be will depend on several factors, including the country exactly where your wife exists and the services offered by the corporation.

Suggestions For Online dating – Methods to Be Successful In Dating

Dating is a frightening experience, and we can almost all use some advice for you to approach this successfully. It is vital to stay safe and show assurance during sociable encounters. Not only is it yourself, you ought to have your unique goals and ambitions in every area of your life. Taking care of your self is also extremely important. If you want to be successful in dating, here are some helpful tips: – Be honest with yourself. Your partner may well not always have precisely the same interests because you.

– Keep in mind that dating is a private decision, and you should value yourself and others’ boundaries. Never power yourself into a romantic relationship that won’t become lasting. Should your date is not going to like the way you will be, there’s no ought to try harder. Regardless of the situation, be yourself, and thank your partner for their hard work. It’s not worth it if the date wouldn’t like you suitable for you.

– End up being your self. Be honest with all your date. If you find out your night out has a social media account, you will need to let him realize that. Don’t cover your the case self. Your lover will be impressed and will appreciate the effort. It is also important to steer clear of sexy behavior. If you are solitary, it is essential to always be yourself. Doing so will show your potential particular date that you’re not only a fraud.

– Be aware of the surroundings. Being yourself is usually important. If you feel unpleasant in a particular situation, leave immediately. Furthermore, if you connect with a unfamiliar person by using a dating application, you should permit a friend find out where if you’re meeting these people. It is advisable to connect with your time frame in a general population place. Your best option is to suggest a location that you have been familiar with. This will help to you to stay clear-headed and to be more attractive.

– Be outspoken about cultural justice issues. Women think pressured to become nice to men, if you notice sexism or racism, you afraid to convey your feelings. If you see something, need not afraid of talking up. Should you be not comfortable speaking up, it could cause problems down the road. You should also be outspoken in cultural issues, such as sexual nuisance.

If you’re a new comer to dating, you must avoid social networking. Most of us dedicate far too enough time on social networking, which can make a date insecure. This could lead to concerns, thus keep your social media accounts to a minimum. They are a massive distraction. Though these things are common, they can generate dating to start a date less interesting. You should be the true personal and avoid employing social media to communicate with your date.

With regards to dating, you ought to be confident and open-minded. It is best to send a place when you fulfill someone. This can be one of the most effective ways to meet persons. You should also avoid stalking your ex-girlfriends and following prospect lists of people you don’t know. Keeping your mind focused on the various other person’s mental state will be useful. Lastly, keep in mind that you should not be afraid to ask for support. During your first of all date, need not shy and make sure to propose yourself to her.

How to Make a Long Range Relationship Work

A long range relationship is a relationship among two people who have are geographically separated. It occurs when two people fall in love, but are unable to check out each other as a result of geographic causes. This type of marriage can be difficult, but there are many positive things to look for. Below are great tips to make a longer distance romance work: Once you’ve gotten above the Get More Info primary apprehensions, you can overcome the problems which may arise along the route.

One of the advantages of a long length relationship certainly is the increased intimacy between you and your lover. This allows one to get to know one another better. If you live in the same city, you may spend the nights alone certainly not be in touch using your partner. Nevertheless , a long distance relationship is also beneficial for fortifying your romantic relationship because you should more time to bond. If you can manage to avoid unexpected issues, you’ll have a better chance of turning it into work.

If you are in a lengthy distance romance, try to get collectively every weekend or each and every weekend. Whenever possible, meet your lover once almost every other weekend. If you are living in the same country but in distinctive states, get together two times a year. Should your partner is certainly far away, make an effort to request a meeting every now and then. This will help you both to experience closer to one another.

The different benefit of an extended distance romantic relationship is that you are able to still have fun. Since if you’re separated simply by oceans, you will find a hard time communicating and staying close. It’s best to make sure that you’re both equally dedicated and that you possess a plan to advance in jointly one day. Of course, if you can’t get together, you may still mail each other a love notice or a spritz of cologne, for instance.

If you’re in a prolonged distance romantic relationship, it’s important to remember that must be important to own a common goal. It’s vital to make sure that relationship proceeds for as long as possible. Once you’ve picked a common aim, it’s the perfect time to make a plan. If the two people don’t inhabit the same place, they should want to meet and communicate on a regular basis.

A long length relationship could be challenging, particularly if you’re in the midst of a relationship crisis. Regardless of reasons for the split, you’ll find it difficult to be happy with someone if you fail to see them. It can be luring to defraud, which is why you’ll need to be there for each and every other. In long distance romantic relationships, you can nevertheless be close enough to help each other. The key is to stay connected and devoted to each other.